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Our solutions for studying poultry health

Animal models, expertise, diagnostics and training
Control over biosafety and infectious diseases is of essence in poultry farming. Yet, despite greatly improved biosafety measures, a wide range of available vaccines and an ever increasing understanding of the interactions between pathogens and their host, infectious diseases remain a burden for the industry, causing billions of dollars of damage and animal suffering. Royal GD is at the forefront in the fight against viruses, bactaria and parasites harming animals and the industry. We offer decades of expertise in diagnostics, research and vaccine development. We have the knowledge, the tools and the facilities to help you in developing products for protecting and improving poultry health.

Studies and trials
Our multidisciplinary teams are qualified and experienced in conducting a wide range of studies in accordance with international standards. We can contribute to all phases of development and will manage the entire project from obtaining the necessary permits to the delivery of the final report.
We offer the following types of studies:
Field studies
Royal GD is very well positioned to offer (clinical) field studies. We have an extensive network of farmers and veterinarians in The Netherlands and in-depth knowledge of the disease status of the farms due to the yearly Animal Health Surveillance System that is managed by GD. Moreover, as a member of the GD Group we have easy access to veterinary laboratories in other countries to set up multi-country studies.
Studies on-site
At our BSL-2 facility we have over 75 isolators for running studies under strictly controlled circumstances. The isolator hall is state of the art with computerized systems controlling and registering conditions in the isolators. Apart from the isolators we have clean floor pens available for studies with larger groups of animals. Royal GD has its in-house flock of SPF layers as well as broilers. We also have a wide range of diagnostic tests available. Our facilities
Challenge studies
Our team has extensive experience in performing challenge studies, in particular against the following diseases:
- Newcastle Disease
- Infectious Bronchitis (M41, QX, Q1, VAR2, 4/91) animal disease file Infectious Bronchitis
- Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro) animal disease file Infectious Bursal Disease
- Coccidiosis animal disease file Coccidiosis
- E. coli (EPS) animal disease file Colibacillosis
- Mycoplasma synoviae and M. gallisepticum animal disease file Mycoplasma
- Fowl pox
In addition to these we continuously work on new models. Thanks to our unparalleled access to farms in The Netherlands we can isolate strains from field samples. However, we can also work with strains provided by our clients. The following models are currently under development:
- Avian influenza (H5, H9N2)
- Infectious laryngotracheitis (TRT)
- Reovirus
- Egg Drop Syndrome
- Marek’s disease
Contact us to learn more about our capabilities to develop new challenge models.
Our experts
Robert Jan Molenaar, DVM, FCRPath
"I'm a fellow at the Royal College of Pathologists in London and have a focus on avian pathology. I'm a senior poultry veterinarian and poultry pathologist and performed research on Salmonella, Influenza and IBV and responsibility for the mink disease monitoring in the Netherlands." Read more
Prof. Sjaak de Wit, DVM, PhD, DipECPVS
"As an immunologist and senior researcher at GD I am responsible for the quality and accreditation of serological tests for poultry pathogens, test development, applied research and on-site consultancy at farms, hatcheries and integrations. I have a PhD degree concerning diagnosis and transmission of infectious bronchitis virus." Read more
Anneke Feberwee, DVM, PhD, EBVS®
"I am a recognized Specialist in Poultry Veterinary Science appointed by the European College of Poultry Veterinary Science. I have been employed at Royal GD in Deventer from 1996 until present and working on the area of diagnostic Field and Disease Control and as a scientist dedicated to applied research with a focus on avian mycoplasmas." Read more
Christiaan ter Veen, DVM, MAHM
"Interpretation of monitoring data requires thorough knowledge of the disease and test method. The real value of this data lies on assessment on an integration or country wide basis. It can then be used to optimise disease control and bird health. It is my challenge to extract the prevailing situation out of the available data and combine this with the disease characteristics to find the right solution on a case by case basis." Read more

In vitro and in vivo models Coccidiosis
Coccidiosis is a highly contagious disease caused by a protozoan parasite of the genus Eimeria that affects poultry of all ages, but is most commonly seen in young chicks. The disease can be transmitted through the ingestion of oocysts from infected birds or contaminated feed or water. Symptoms include diarrhea, weight loss, decreased appetite, reduced egg production, and increased mortality. Prevention and control of Coccidiosis involves good hygiene practices, a balanced diet, clean water, and the use of anticoccidial drugs or vaccines. Anticoccidial drugs should be used judiciously to avoid the development of drug resistance. Vaccines are also available and provide long-term protection against Coccidiosis. Overall, Coccidiosis is a serious disease that requires careful management and preventative measures to minimize its impact on poultry health and productivity.
Royal GD has a long history in studying Coccidiosis and the parasites causing the disease. We provide both diagnostic tools as well as in vitro and in vivo models to study effectiveness of vaccines or other agents for the prevention of Coccidiosis. Furthermore, we provide training and expertise in management of the disease. Watch webinar 'How to cope with Coccidiosis problems in broilers'
Vaccine development with the support of GD
"The Contract Research team of GD can help us set up and execute the research projects needed to register a vaccine in the European Union, while also supporting our R&D and marketing team. They have the scientic know-how to help us make informed decisions."

Scientific posters
We regularly present scientific posters at several congresses throughout the year. Please find some of our studies below.